Every Primate needs a cliMate® for an environMentally friendly world :-)

human being
2 min readNov 27, 2020

Amidst a COVID year of COVID fatigue and myriad COVIDeos to accompany it, we’ve experienced a pronounced sense of connection and disconnection (not to mention disorientation) from Self, Other … and even other species.

When deprived of our typical social instincts to congregate and accumulate we’ve been forced to face a primal and disquieting reality; our aloneness and our need for comfort, companionship.

The day we understand that a tree or a species is not just some “noun” over there is the day we begin to reinterpret our relationship to Mother (Earth) and the Greater (Cosmos).

Relationship within our same human species has been historically tricky. Now it’s at an all time ebb, with divisions and tensions across the entire worldwide spectrum. Maybe we can learn to dance together by stepping on each other’s toes less, and by venturing into an absolutely amazing foreign territory that murmurs loving possibility below stereotypical facades.

We’re primates, focused on soulmates and housemates and playmates and shipmates and roommates and schoolmates and so on …

But what of cliMates®? Extraordinary explorers like Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough have shed much light on our forgotten love story between Nature & Human Nature. Yet who could imagine the breadth and depth to which loving companionship can further reveal itself?

Befriend dear cliMates® … and be astonished by what kinship awaits :-)

